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英语教学优秀教学设计 第1篇





(3)学生能用不同的句型来介绍个人信息,如:My…’snameis…;His/Her favourite hobbyis…;He/She is…years old,…centimetershigh.He/She lives in…etc。






I Sing a song.

II.Duty report(Ask the students some Wh-questions about the duty reporter)


1.Get ready for the listening.

Pay attention to the words:length n.长度,height n.高度,birth n.出生,blond adj.金色的.

2.Explain how to do the two parts of the listening.

A.Fill in the blanks in the table for the first time to listen.

B.Write the numbers 1-4 under the correct photos for the second time to listen.

3.Read the dialogues after finishing the listening.Pay attention to the Wh-questions.

IV.Practice in pairs.

1.Practice the dialogues in pairs.


Your deskmate:…

You:What colour is your hair?

Your deskmate:It’s_________(brown).

You:How long is your hair?

Yourdeskmate:It’s_________(very long).

You:What colour are your eyes?


You:How tall are you?


You:Where are you from?

Yourdeskmate:I am from_________(theUK).

You:What’s your favourite sport?


You:What’s your best subject?




2.Then fill in the information in the table.

Name Age



Best subject

Dream job

3.Introduce your deskmate to the class

My deskmate is______________.He/She is____________.

He/She has________________hairand___________eyes.

His/Her favourite hobby is____________

His/Her best subject is_____________.

And he/she wants to be_____________.


Describe one of your favorite teachers in our school!

My favourite teacher

英语教学优秀教学设计 第2篇


1. 语言知识目标:

1) 能掌握以下单词:
rain, windy, cloudy, sunny, snow, weather, cook, bad, park,

message, take a message, could, back, problem


① —How"s the weather in Beijing?

—It"s sunny.

② —Can I take a message for him?

—Yes. Could you just tell him to call me back?

—Sure, no problem.

2) 能用所学的知识描述天气情况。


2. 情感态度价值观目标:



1. 教学重点:

1) The vocabulary and useful expressions.

2) —How’s the weather?

—It"s raining/ windy.

3) —What are you doing?

—I"m playing basketball.

2. 教学难点:



Ⅰ. Warming-up and Lead in

1. Greet the Ss and check the homework.

2. Watch a video program about the weather.

Ⅱ. Presentation

1. (Show some pictures of the weather)

Let Ss look at the pictures and ask them how the weather is.

Ss learn the new words and expressions with the help of the pictures.

2. Look at the pictures in 1a. Then read the new words on the right. Ask the Ss to match the words with pictures.

3. Check the answers.

Ⅲ. Game (How"s the weather?)

1. (Showing some pictures on the big screen.) Ask Ss "How"s the weather?"

2. Ss guess and answer the question.

Ⅳ. Listening

1. Now let"s look at the city names in the box in 1b. Please read after me.

Ss read the cities after the teacher.

2. Now, We’ll hear four conversations. Listen carefully, point out each city in the picture as it comes upon the tape. Play the recording a second time. Ask Ss to write the name of the city in the picture of its weather.

3. Check the answers.

Ⅴ. Pair work

1. Tell the Ss: If you are in one of the places in the picture above. Talk about the weather

with your friends in another city on the phone.

2. Make a model with a student like this:

T: Hi! How"s the weather in Beijing?

S1: It"s sunny.

3. Ss work in pairs. Ask and answer about the weather in the cities.

Ⅵ. Listening

1. Work on 2a.

Let"s see what Joe"s families are doing. Point to the 4 pictures.

2. Ask Ss tell each person is doing in each picture. More attentions should be paid

to the correct use of the Present Progressive Tense.

3. Play the recording for the Ss to listen and number the pictures [1-4].

4. Play the tape for Ss to check the answers.

5. With the whole picture, get some Ss to tell the story of it.

6. Brainstorming

Play the tape for another time. Then do a memory test.

Ask Ss: What"s Uncle Joe/Jeff/Mary/Aunt Sarah doing?

What"re Scott and Lucy doing?

Is Jeff watching TV? etc.

7. Let Ss match the names with the activities in 2b.

Play the recording for the Ss to check the answers.

Ⅶ. Pair work

1. Look at the pictures and talk about the people in 2a with a partner.

2. Ask a student the questions as a model:

T: What"s Uncle Joe doing?

S1: He"s playing basketball.

3. Ss work in pairs. Ask and answer about the pictures.

Ⅷ. Role-play

1. Ask Ss to read the conversation and answer the questions:

① What"s Steve doing?

② What"s Rick"s brother doing?

Ss read the conversations and answer the questions. Then check the answers together.

2. Let Ss role-play the conversation in pairs.

IX. Language points.

X. Exercises




英语教学优秀教学设计 第3篇












教材内容:本课教学内容是新课标《高中英语必修3 Unit 5》,Canada---The True North 与以往接触过的介绍国家的文章相比,本课的内容没有整体介绍加拿大的地理概况和风土人情,而是透过一个旅人的眼睛来看加拿大。相比较而言,这样的课文难度更大。





教学难点:①对课文内容中细节的理解。②对网上各种信息源的比较筛选,及学生易受无关因素的干扰而导致的学习效率问题。【难点突破】 设置情境,循序渐进,层层递进。设置富有情趣的情境,激发他们的阅读欲望,积极主动地进行自主探究。循序渐进的设计问题 , 激发学生的"创造思维,层层深入地引导学生进行自主和协作学习。










第二步:读前活动(一):自由展示。在上这一课之前,我给学生布置的预习任务是介绍你最想去的地方。Which country or place would you like to visit most? Why?学生们自由组成小组,上网查找相关资料,然后对所搜集的信息进行整理,最后形成自己的powerpoint展示文件。在课堂上,由本小组的发言代表上来进行展示和介绍。这一环节是这节课的重头戏。

第三步:读前活动(二):自由交谈。给学生提出这样一个问题:如果你有机会去加拿大,你最想看什么?If you have a chance to visit Canada, what would you expect to see there? 先要求他们在小组内讨论,然后再在全班同学面前发言。

第四步:读前活动(三):小组讨论。经过了前面的大量的有关加拿大的信息的冲击,你愿意用哪三个词语来描述加拿大?What three words would you use to describe Canada? Why? 请小组代表发言。

第五步:加拿大概况综述。这一步骤是对上几个步骤的总结,同时也是教师整合并优化了有关加拿大的各种信息所进行的展示。目的是进一步加深同学们对加拿大的了解,对他们所获取的知识进行 梳理,也为下一个步骤展开铺垫。

第六步:略读课文。(first reading)在这个步骤中,我给出了8个问题,让同学们带着这8个问题来阅读课文。读完后回答问题。

1.Why are the cousins not flying direct to the Atlantic coast?

2.What is the continent they are crossing?

3.What is “The True North”?

4.Why do many people want to live in Vancouver?

5.What happens at the Calgary Stampede?

6.Where does wheat grow in Canada?

7.Why would ship be able to reach the centre of Canada?

8.Name two natural resources that Canada has.

第七步:精读课文。(second reading) 在这个步骤中,我给出了5个跟课文内容有关的句子,让同学们判断正误。如果该句是错的,请给出正确答案。

1.The girls went to Canada to see their relatives in Montreal.

2.Danny Lin was going to drive them to Vancouver.

3.You can cross Canada in less than five days by bicycle.

4.The girls looked out the windows and saw Native Indians and cowboys.

5.Thunder Bay is a port city in the south of Canada, near Toronto. 第八步:复述课文(retelling) 给出课文中的关键词汇,让同学们用自己的话来复述课文。

Helpful words and expressions

great scenery

second largest

go eastward


5,500/from west to east

here in Vancouver

surrounded by


第九步:口头作文(oral practice) 设定一个情境,给出一些关键词汇,让同学们模仿课文来编一段对话或一篇短文。

Suppose two of your cyber pals in Canada come to visit Shenzhen and you are meeting them at the airport. While you are driving them home, you are telling them something about China and Shenzhen, just as what Danny Lin said in the text.

Work in groups. You are required to present either a short passage or a short dialogue.

Helpful words and expressions

great scenery

third largest

go northward


from south to north

here in Shenzhen

along the coast

theme parks


Write down the short passage or the short dialogue that you’ve just worked out.

英语教学优秀教学设计 第4篇

T: Today Let’s learn Lesson 6 Word Fun

First, Let’s say a chant OK?

Ss: OK!

(Say the chant>)


T: Wonderful! Do you like balloons?

Ss: Yes

T: Now, Look! What are these?

Ss: These are balloons

(T继续指教室内的门、窗、椅子、铅笔等物品问:What are these?复习复数句型These are) T: And what are these?


Ss: These are balloons!

T: I have four balloons, I want to make two large, Help me, OK?

(教师找学生将其中的一个气球吹大,在吹的过程中T不断的做变大的手势并说:large large让学生理解该词的含义)

T:拿着那个大气球示意:Now it is large! Follow me“large”


T: Can you sing?

Ss: I can sing!

T: la~la~la~la~la~large!


T: Now Let’s make the other one large OK?


T: Look! It’s large now. This is large, This is large. These are large


(教师给说的好的学生奖励奖章,引导学生说出奖章上的物品和物品的特征:Elephants are large animals, so we can say:“These are large”利用奖章的形式将所学单词:large加以巩固和运用)

T: Kids tell me how to make the two balloons small? Do you have an idea?



T: Let’s do a chant with these four balloons OK?

(教师与学生一起做chant,并指着黑板上的四个气球:large large These are large; small small These are small)



T: Can you remember the chant:”Two Balloons”This time let’s change the words(教师把刚才的chant进行了换词,换成了刚刚学过的知识:large和small)

Ss: These are large balloons large balloons. ~peng! pa! Oh no!

These are small balloons small balloons. ~peng! pa! Oh no!

I have no balloons no balloons~


T: Don’t cry my kids.

I have another balloons, Look!(教师拿出六根长气球)

T: But these are not large or small, these are long.




T: Say the word as long as you can

Ss: long~~~~~~~~~~~

T: Let’s do a chant: Look at me: /l//l/long/l//l/long These are long long, These are long Ss:


T: So clever! But if I want so me short ones, What should I do? Do you want to have a try? (教师用手势让学生理解short这个词的意思并发给每个小组一个气球让学生用自己的智慧将长气球变成短的)


T: OK, Good job! Now these are short, Let’s count how many short balloons here




T: Well done! Can you find large or small, long or short thing sin our classroom?


T: Excellent! I have a magic box, What are on the box?


T: Good! There are some lucky card sin it, you can take out one and you’re your partner with the same picture

(教师先和一个学生做示范,并提示学生:large找small, long找short,让学生抽签说说卡片上的内容并找到和自己卡片有相同图案的反义词,找到后一起说一说)

T: Well done! You all you’re your partner now, after class you should observe the things around you and describe them in English, Ok?


T: It’s time to say good-bye, see you next time!

Ss: Good-bye Suki!

英语教学优秀教学设计 第5篇


1、幼儿能听懂老师用Who are you 提问,并能用I’m进行回答。








Hello children. Hello Mi Zhang.


1、Today , Mi Zhang have a something. Look ! what’s this?

Yes . handchife .(对,是手帕)

Now . gue . what am I doing ?

Oh , sorry , you’re wrong .

Now , look at me . I’ll hide my eyes by this hankchife . Then I can’t see anything.

Oh , let me touch you . (我要用手绢将眼睛蒙起来,然后用手去摸你们,看看老师会摸到哪个小朋友?) who are you? who are you? who are you?

Hao hao . really? (让摸到的小朋友自己说出自己的名子), I’ll take off the hankchef when you say “one two three”.

“one two three” . oh, yes , you are hao hao .

the game is very fa y. Let’s try it again , ok?(游戏重复进行,再去摸4、5个小朋友。)

2、the game is very fa y. Then let’s play another game . I’ll throw the ball when I ask “who are you?” if you catch the ball ,you should a wer me your name . ok?(我来扔球,谁接到了球,我一边扔一边问“who are you?你是谁,接到球的小朋友就回答我你叫名子,但是要在名子前面加上I’m,比如说陈子洋接了球就要回答我I’m陈子洋。懂了吗,现在让我们来试一试。)

Look carefully. Who are you? (I’m )纠正幼儿发音。发音时嘴巴要合上,不然小虫子要飞到你的嘴巴里去哟。

3、Children . look , what’s this?

Yes . plane . I’ll fly the plane , when I ask “who are you?” if you catch the play ,you should a wer me your name . ok? 我来飞飞机,我一边扔一边问“who are you?你是谁,谁接到了飞机,就回答我你叫名子,但是要在名子前面加上I’m

4、Childre , you’re very great!

Now . let’s play another game . (瞎子摸鱼)first , you see , what’s this? Yes a fish. This time , you will be fish , I’ll be blind. You can swim everywhere in the circle , I’ll try to cache you . if I catch you, I’ll ask “who are you ?” if your a wer i right ,you can free and you can get a little red flower. if your a wer is wrong ,I’ll eat you. Understand?(要求幼儿能大声的回答)。(在教室里做次游戏后就换到操场上的圆圈里去做这个游戏。)


英语教学优秀教学设计 第6篇


Unit1 My name’s Gina.



1. 掌握并规范字母Ii-Rr.

2. 识记本单元词汇:what, this, in, English, a, an, map, orange, jacket, key, quilt, pen, ruler, spell, please, etc.








名字______遇见______问题,难题______ 回答,答案 ______

第一的________ 最后的________



2.clock _________3.nice ________

4.what ________

5. your_________

6.hello _______


8.you ________

9.his ________

10.her ___________





1. 选择题:

(1.)Kate has lost(丢失) _______key. _________asked _________for help.

A.her ,he, I B. his, he ,me C. his, she, I D. her, she, me

(2)_____ plus(加) seven is thirteen?

A. Five B. Six C. Eight D. Nine

(3)______ is her name ?

A. who B. what C where D. How

2. 写出下列英语形式。




3. 写出下列词的英语意思:

1). 早晨__________





6).好的________ or_________

英语教学优秀教学设计 第7篇

一、 说教材

本单元主要是围绕生日展开教学,要求学生掌握十二个月份和序数词的变化,以及日期和生日的表达。我上的是第二课 时 ,在第一课时中,学生已经学习了十二个月份和序数词,本课时主要是要求学生掌握日期的表达,以及能正确说出自己的生日, 能掌握四会句型:
When’s your birthday? My birthday is on the… of … What would you like as a birthday present? I’d like …

二、 说学生

十二个月份和序数词已经在第一课时学习过,大多数学生掌握良好,但六年级学生在课堂上不爱表现自己,部分学生对于 英语学习缺少兴趣。

三、 说教法

1、 游戏教学。兴趣是最好的老师。在复习单词时设计了What’s missing?的游戏,让学生在课的一开始就感受学习的快乐,为进一步的学习做铺垫。

2、 朗读教学。英语是一门语言,交际是学习的目的,因此,课堂上朗读和运用是必不可少的,教师设计了多种朗读和练习方式,例如:小组朗读,个人朗读,男女对读,同桌讨论等,让学生在有限的课堂时间内得到最多的练习。

3 任务教学。在巩固句型时,设计了Do a survey 的教学任务。学生在调查时能运用语言,巩固语言知识。


1. 在课的一开始主要通过Free talk :How many days are there in a week? How many months are there in a year? 引出复习单词, 在复习单词时通过询问Which is the first/second.. month in a year来初步复习一下序数词。接着设计了What’s missing?这个游戏来进一步复习月份,同时也激发了学生学习的积极性。之后引出句型复习:
When’s your birthday? My birthday is in…。

2.通过复习句型When’s your birthday? My birthday is in…。引出我的生日在几月几日,以及Helen 和Jim 的生日,重点掌握序数词,通过总结让学生对序数词的变化有一个整体的了解。在学生掌握序数词的基础上,让学生了解日期的表达,因为学生对于单词还不能默写,所以日期的练习只限于口头讨论和朗读。学生掌握了日期之后让学生说说自己的生日,引出本课的重点句型When’s your birthday? My birthday is on the… of …。

3.通过讨论练习C 部分句型进一步巩固句型,最后设计了Do a survey教学活动,学生在调查时再次巩固句型,并学会了用第三人陈述重点句型。


英语教学优秀教学设计 第8篇

一、 课程类型:


二、 教学目标:

一) 认知目标






在运用语言的过程中培养学生的观察力、分析力、想象力和自学能力,帮 助学生加强记忆力,提高思维能力和运用英语的综合能力,激发创造能力。

三、 教材分析:


四、 教学重点:




五、 教学难点:



六、 教学方法:



七、 教学设计:

Step 1、Warming up

Come up with some proverbs for the students to put them into Chinese。

Recitation is of the first importance in any language learning!

Practice makes perfect! …

What do you learn from the above proverbs?

Step 2、Presentation

Make it clear to the students the importance of writing in English subject of the college entrance exams and then the goals of this lesson。

Step 3、Exhibition

Show on the whiteboard a writing。

英语教学优秀教学设计 第9篇














本课教学内容是新课标《高中英语必修3 Unit 5》,Canada———The True North 与以往接触过的介绍国家的文章相比,本课的内容没有整体介绍加拿大的地理概况和风土人情,而是透过一个旅人的眼睛来看加拿大。相比较而言,这样的课文难度更大。









【难点突破】 设置情境,循序渐进,层层递进。

设置富有情趣的情境,激发他们的阅读欲望,积极主动地进行自主探究。循序渐进的设计问题 , 激发学生的创造思维,层层深入地引导学生进行自主和协作学习。













在上这一课之前,我给学生布置的预习任务是介绍你最想去的地方。Which country or place would you like to visit most? Why?学生们自由组成小组,上网查找相关资料,然后对所搜集的信息进行整理,最后形成自己的powerpoint展示文件。在课堂上,由本小组的发言代表上来进行展示和介绍。这一环节是这节课的重头戏。


给学生提出这样一个问题:如果你有机会去加拿大,你最想看什么?If you have a chance to visit Canada, what would you expect to see there? 先要求他们在小组内讨论,然后再在全班同学面前发言。


经过了前面的大量的有关加拿大的信息的冲击,你愿意用哪三个词语来描述加拿大?What three words would you use to describe Canada? Why? 请小组代表发言。


这一步骤是对上几个步骤的总结,同时也是教师整合并优化了有关加拿大的各种信息所进行的展示。目的是进一步加深同学们对加拿大的了解,对他们所获取的知识进行 梳理,也为下一个步骤展开铺垫。

第六步、略读课文(first reading)


1、Why are the cousins not flying direct to the Atlantic coast?

2、What is the continent they are crossing?

3、What is “The True North”?

4、Why do many people want to live in Vancouver?

5、What happens at the Calgary Stampede?

6、Where does wheat grow in Canada?

7、Why would ship be able to reach the centre of Canada?

8、Name two natural resources that Canada has。

第七步、精读课文(second reading)


1、The girls went to Canada to see their relatives in Montreal。

2、Danny Lin was going to drive them to Vancouver。

3、You can cross Canada in less than five days by bicycle。

4、The girls looked out the windows and saw Native Indians and cowboys。

5、Thunder Bay is a port city in the south of Canada, near Toronto。



Helpful words and expressions

great scenery

second largest

go eastward


5,500/from west to east

here in Vancouver

surrounded by


英语教学优秀教学设计 第10篇

Unit3. Why do yu like koalas?

The first period

Ⅰ.Teaching Aims and Demands

1.Knowledge Objects.

1)Key vocabulary

koala tiger elephent.dolphin panda lion penguin giraffe zoo

cute map smart

2)Target language

Let’s see the pandas.

Why do you like see the tigers?

Because they are cute.

2.Ability Objects:

1)Train students’abilities of listening and speakng.

2) Enable and help the students to learn how to listen to and talk about animals.

3.Moral Object:

It is very important for everyone to love the nature and protect animals .The earth is our home and animals are our friends..It is our duty to love the nature and protect enviroment.

Ⅱ Teaching Key and Difficult Points

1)Describe the animals using the words and the target language.

2)Get students to learn “Why questions”, “Because answers” and the adjectives of quality.

Ⅲ.Teaching methods

1)Watching and describing methods

2) Oral practicing method.

Ⅳ.Teaching Aids:

1)objects and some pictures.

2)A recorder and computer

Ⅴ.Teaching procedures

Step1.Warming up

1) Play the tape,get the students to listen to music of animals

2) Play a guessing game.

T: Listening to the voices of animals.

What kinds of animals are they?

3) Show some pictures about animals after guessing and talk about animals.

T: Look,there is a big zoo in our city There are many animals in

it.Do you want to see the animals in the zoo?Let’s go into the

zoo.What kind of animals can you see?

Step2.Present the new words

1) T: Look. What is this in Chinese?


T: What is this in English?Do you know?

Ss: No

T: It is a koala. Read after me K-O-A-L A, koala.

2)Show some new words in the pictures.and teach students to learn them.:

koala tiger elephent.dolphin panda lion penguin giraffe

zoo cute map smart

Step3. Practice the new words(1a)

1)Get students to read the words in 1a

2)Match the words with the animals in the oictures.

3)After that check the answers.

Step4. Task

1) Look at the pictures of animals and describe the animals like this. T: Let’s see the pandas .Do you like them?

S1: Yes.I like them very much.

T: Why do you like them?

S1: Because they are cute .Let’s see the lions.

T: Why do you want to see the lions.?

S1: Because they are smart.

T: Do they live on the land or in the water?

S1: They live on the land.

(At the same time,Teach the students the words,smart,cute)

2)Get students to come up wth more new adjectives of quality to describe the animals.

cute, smart, fun, interesting, scary, shy, lazy.

(At this time,we can also let the students have a competition.This method can make the students active in class and it can help them develop their quick response and wide thinking)

3)Get students to ask and answer in pairs to descibe the animals.

4)Get students to performin in front of the class.

Step5. Listening

1)Play the tape,get students to listen and check.the animals in 1

2)Play the tape again.Ask students to work in pairs.Students listen and repeat after the recording

3)Check the answer.

Step6. Pairwork

1)Ask the students to make conversations in pairs. Show the followng.

A:Let’s see the elephant.

B:Why do you want to see the elephant?

A:Because they are very smart.

(T:Now please make conversations in pairs ,using the animals in Activity 1c.You can have a competition and let’s see which pair of students is the best?)

2)Get a few pairs to show their conversations.

Step7 Summary

Today we have learnt lots of new words of animals,and the target language.We can describe the animals and other things using the target language.Now,We should remember the earth is our home and animals are our friends. It is our duty to protect animals and love the nature. Step8 Homework.

1)Make a survey:What animals do you like?why?

2)Write them down and make a conversation

VI Blackboard design

英语教学优秀教学设计 第11篇

Unit 1 I was born in a small village

教学内容:Unit 1 I was born in a small village.

课型:Listening and speaking




掌握一般过去时(was/were ...)的肯定句、否定句、疑问句及其回答,并能运用一般过去时谈论过去的经历。



Step One

Warming-up (3’)

Lead in

1. Enjoy a song Days on my past (童年).

Q1: What’s the song about?

Then show the title. (My past life)

2.Free talk:

Ask two students some questions like this and get the Ss to learn the new words(was, born, primary school, friendly, friendly, nice,etc) :

Where were you born? (Get the Ss to learn was/were born)

When were you born

What was the name of your primary school? (Get the Ss to learn primary school.)

Who was your first teacher?

Did you like him/her?

Was he/she friendly/strict? Etc.

Enjoy the song and answer the question.

( My past life)

2. Listen and answer the questions.先通过这个环节,既活跃课堂气氛,还通过这个环节

Step Two


Task1: Check the new words.

1. Show some pictures and things to get the students to say out the new words.

2. Organize the students to read the new words together.

3. Check the new words.

1. Look at the pictures and things to say out the new words.

2. Read the new words together.

3. Give the answers.引导学生谈论图片,训练学生表达Step Three

While-task (20’)


(1). Play the tape, ask students to listen and number the questions, then ask and answer the questions in pairs. (Activity 1)

(2).Guide the students to listen again and check the true sentences.(Activity 2).

(3)Guide the students to listen to the conversation in Activity 3 and choose the correct answer.

(Activity 3, Qs:1,2,3,4)

(3).Organize the students to check their answers.

Task 3: Reading

(1)Ask the students to read the conversation to finish Activity 3(Qs. 5,6,7,8), then check the answers.

(2) Organize the students to read the conversation with the video.

(3).Ask the Ss to work with their groups to read the conversation.

(4) Have a competition: Read the dialogue in groups and choose the best group.

Task 4: Solve the language points

(1).Organize students to come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found.

(2).Help the students to solve the difficult points.

Task5: Retell the dialogue

(1)Ask students to complete the table.


(2)Ask the students to retell the dialogue according to the table in Activity 4.

(3) Ask three students to retell the dialogue.

(1). Listen to the tape and number the questions, then ask and answer the questions in pairs (Activity 1)

(2). Listen again and check the true sentences. (Activity 2).

(3).Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer.

(Activity 3, Qs 1,2,3,4)

(3)Check the answers.

(1) Read the conversation to finish Activity 3(Qs. 5,6,7,8), then check the answers.

(2)Read the conversation with the video.

(3) Read the conversation in groups.

(4) Read the dialogue in groups and choose the best group.

(1). Students come to the blackboard to show out some language points, the other students listen to them carefully and note .

(2).Solve the difficult points with the teacher’s help.

(1)Students complete the passage.

(2) Retell the dialogue according to the table in their groups. E.g. Tony was born in Cambridge. His first school was Darwin Primary School. Mrs Lane was his first teacher. She was strict but very nice. His first friends were Becky and Adam. Becky was good in class, but Adam was difficult.

(3) Three students retell the dialogue, the others listen.利用听读,练习的方式加强学生对课文的理解,培养学生细节听力的技巧能够听取信息,训练和培养学生细节听力技巧。


Step Four


(9’)Task 6:Do some speaking

(1) Show some information about their favourite stars, such as Yao Ming, Liu xiang, Jolin…. Help the students to talk about them like this:

A: Was Yao Ming born in Guangdong, China?

B: No, he wasn’t . He was born in Shanghai, China.

A: When was he born?

B: He was born on September 12th, 1980.

(2). Have the Ss act out their new dialogues.

(3). Ask students to do some

Exercises and then check.

(4) Get the Ss to ask and answer the questions in Activity 6 in pairs. And write their partner’s information, and then make a report.

(1). Make dialogues in groups with the teacher’s help.

A: Was Yao Ming born in Guangdong, China?

B: No, he wasn’t . He was born in Shanghai, China.

A: When was he born?

B: He was born on September 12th, 1980.

(2). Act out the new dialogues.

(3)Do the exercises, then check.

(4) Ask and answer the questions in Activity 6 in pairs. And write the partner’s information. Then make a report about their partner’s past life.

通过训练学生说的能力,能使学生加深对课文内容的理解,适量的口头练习,让学生巩固本课时的语言重点。Step Five

Summary(2’)1. Get the students to sum up the language points.

T: What have we learned today?

Ss: …

2. Let the students to choose the best team in this lesson.1. Sum up the language points.

2. To choose the best groups.引导学生对这节课的总结,让学生做自由发言,培养学生自主学习,自主总结的良好学习习惯。

简短的评价使学生的课堂表现得到肯定并且可以激励学生的学习兴趣,树立学习英语的信心。Step Six



(1’)“My partner’s life”.

课后作业有助于学生巩固已学的知识,补充其他方面的锻炼。Module7 My past life 小组评价

Unit…. T1 T2 T3

We/ You / They were born…

Was your first teacher friendly? Yes, he/she was.

No, he/she wasn’

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