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雅思范文大全 第1篇


Your friend is getting married and he has invited you to his However, you can’t make it for a certain Now write a letter to explain (谢绝信)


Dear Steve and Monica,

Thank you very much for the invitation to your Unfortunately, I won’t be able to



The reason, I’m pleased to say, is that Wendy is pregnantand the baby is due more or less on the day of your wedding! Although she said it’d be all right for me to come over alone, I feel it’s the least I could do as husband, that is, to be by her side and to take of care her after the baby


We’re both hoping it’ll be a girl and plan to name her Margaret, after her But if it’s a boy, we plan to name him No particularreason except that we both like the


Anyway, I would like to wish you both a long and happy life together and hope to come to see you as soon as Wendy is well


Have a wonderful day and don’t forget to send us some


Cheers for now,

Ken and Wendy



雅思范文大全 第2篇


A book you recently read


Describe a book you read recently

What book it was

When you read it

Why you read it

And explain what you liked and (possibly) disliked about the


In your country, who would ask children to read, schools or parents?

Do you prefer paper books or E-books?

Do you think printed books will continue to exist?

Do you think parents should continue reading?

What kind of books do children read?


I think I am a great reader, and there are so many books in which I am deeply

The book I recently read is a novel called The Tales of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, one of the greatest novelists of the 19th I got this book as a birthday gift from my sister several weeks My sister said that it was one of the classic novels in the world and she believed that I would like this So I started to read this novel on the day I received

My sister was right, I was soon attracted by this book and read it again and I liked this classic novel for a number of First, I was quite impressed by the vivid descriptions of the characters and their I mean that Charles Dickens was really a master of the English language; you can form a mental picture of what is going on in the novel and you will be touched by the personalities of these Second, the plot is full of twists and turns, always making me eager to find out what will happen

And finally, I also learn more about the French Dickens described the story under the background of French Revolution, which makes the book more than a novel but also the reflection of the French


雅思范文大全 第3篇


【In some countries, traditional arts are going Some people think that we should try to keep To what extent you agree?】

Today, many types of traditional arts and crafts are struggling on the brink of People have different attitudes toward this As for me, I believe that traditional arts should still be cherished by Traditional arts are national treasures handed down from our ancestors; therefore, it is our responsibility as inheritors to keep them A nation without abundant traditional arts, such as folk music, ethnic drawings or painting would feel Consequently, should those brilliant traditional arts die out, the nation"s sense of belonging would be seriously Even worse once a form of traditional art disappears in history, it could never be truly Only until then will the people realize that is a great loss, which at best would only result in nostalgia and



雅思范文大全 第4篇


IT行业已经连续多年成为最热门行业,行业的高收入也成为众多行业之外的人们,所以羡慕的地方,那么没有电脑编程基础的人们,可以学IT吗?将来找工作时好找吗? 事实上,经过多年的发展,职业教育已经成功解决了零基础学IT的问题,特别是一些老牌的职业教育机构,在教学实绩上,都有不俗的表现。






雅思范文大全 第5篇

【Zoos keep wild animals in a man-made To what extent do you think the advantages of zoos outweigh their disadvantages?】

Normally, it is better for wild animals to live in a natural Unfortunately, now such environments are often under In my essay, I will compare the relative advantages of animals living in the wild and in Most wild animals live longer in zoos than in the wild because zoo keepers can look after their health and their When an animal is sick, there are veterinarians in the zoo to help As a result, animals in a zoo can have longer life expectancy than animals in the Zoos are also useful tools for us to reduce our harm to wildlife brought about by damage to the land and the Many zoos around the world now take part in programs to educate children about the importance of preserving wildlife and they work together to find ways to take care of In fact, today some rare species exist only in zoos, which means if all the zoos are closed, these animals will completely disappear from our




雅思范文大全 第6篇

Your favorite magazine


Describe a magazine you like to

You should say:

what it is;

when and how often you like to read it;

what the contents of the magazine are;

and explain why you like this


What kinds of magazines are the most popular?

Do men like to read fashion magazines?

Do people read magazines for fun or for learning?

Do you like to read news magazines?

Do you think journalists are subjective in their reports?


I am crazy about an entertainment magazine that comes out every It has a bright, glossy cover and always contains a number of juicy The magazine is a lot of fun, even though I don"t believe most of the content is This magazine is extremely popular in my country and it is read by

millions of

The magazine comes out once a month and it provides me with hours of It has all the latest news, reviews, fashion tips and stories about the lives of I buy it from a magazine stall at my school and then spend the next few hours lost in the

The content is aimed at teenagers or young adults and features movie stars, singers and other It is also jam-packed with fashion tips and photos of the latest What I like most, however, is the highly-entertaining gossip They make me laugh because they are so outrageous and cannot always be trusted!

I like the magazine as it represents a life so very different to reality and my own mundane I know that I will probably never be world famous or able to afford rich, luxury However, I find the makeup and fashion tips a while bucket load of It is a form of escape for me and a fantasy world that provides me with a release of my stresses and

雅思范文大全 第7篇









雅思范文大全 第8篇

Something you lost which is important to you


Describe a time you lost something

You should say:

What you lost;

how you lost it;

what you did after you lost it;

and explain how you felt about losing


What kinds of people may lose things often?

What can we do to prevent losing important things?

What would you do if you saw something valuable but didn"t belong to you on the street?

What kinds of things have you lost so far?

What do you usually do to look for lost items?


I have never felt as frustrated and helpless as l did the time my mobile oh was It gave me a sense of shame and a feeling of being I can also kick myself for being so careless and not more

I was a bit naive to leave my phone in a back pocket of my rucksack while l

travelled on the When I reached my stop and reached into the bag, it was nowhere to be seen and I immediately burst into tears, an old lady came up to me and tried to console me, but I was extremely emotional and not able to be

After I got over the shock, I went to a local police station to report the The police couldn’t do a whole lot other than take my statement and file a report to this day the phone still hasn"t materialized, so I have given up all hope of ever seeing it again

I still feel sick to my stomach for losing the phone for a number of First, it"s an invasion of privacy as my phone had lots of sensitive personal details on Also, it was jam-pocked with photos and videos that I hadn"t backed They will be lost forever, which is a very sad and helpless

雅思范文大全 第9篇


一.会计是做什么的? 在企业,每天都会发生很多与钱(会计上把钱叫做货币)有关的事情,这些事情的发生因为与钱有关,所以必须要有一个凭据来证明它的发生,这个凭据(比如发票)会计上叫做原始凭证.那么,会计呢,就是每天根据这些原始凭证,按照会计的方法分门别类地设置一个一个的账本(会计科目)来记录这些钱的增加和减少,月底,记录这个企业还有好多财产,分别有那些财产;





二.学会计是先学“工业会计”还是先学“商业会计”呢? 答:首先,会计是不分行业的,现在的会计制度只是分大中型企业和小型企业,前者执行的会计制度是《企业会计准则》,后者执行的会计制度是《小企业会计准则》。在大学或中专学校的会计专业里也没有分行业的,只有《会计基础》《财务会计》《中级财务会计》《高级财务会计》之分,从来会计就不分行业的。有些培训机构在培训的时候划分行业,主要是为了分别收费,学一个行业收一份钱。我们在培训的时候也是不分行业,只是按照会计教育的惯例把工业和商业企业作为蓝本来教学,您只要学会工业和商业企业,什么行业您都不怕了。行业不同,其实就是成本核算不一样罢了。我们在“行业会计比较”的时候,会告诉你各种行业在那些方面有那些核算是不一样的。




(作者:桂林市新千年会计职业培训学校 谢勇)

雅思范文大全 第10篇


A friend of yours is going to your home city for a He will spend a few days He has written you a letter, asking for advice about things to see and to do while he is Write a letter to him and give him some (日常信)


Dear More,

Thank you for your letter dated August 23, I was very pleased to learn that you will be visiting Shanghai from September 25 to I hope the following information will help you enjoy your stay in my


谢谢你 20XX年8月23日的来信。很高兴获悉您将于9月25-30日到访上海,希望以下信息可以助您在我的家乡过得愉快。

First of all, Shanghai is a big and busy There are many internationalquality hotels and restaurants as well as shopping centers and


However, I think you would like to see some interesting places that well represent the I know you are interested in art and history, so firstly, I suggest you visit Shanghai Museum, one of the biggest in


Secondly, not far from the museum is the famous Bund, where you will also have a wonderful view of Pudong: the OrientalPearl TV Tower, and Jinmao Tower—the third highest building in the world! You will see people from all over the world touring around the


Other interesting places are Suzhou—a beautiful city that is famous for its gardens; Hangzhou, capital of Zhejiang Province, which is very famous for its West If you would like to see an old-fashioned village with the most distinctivefeatures of the region of waters in the Changjiang River Delta, I will highly recommend Zhouzhuang, which is about a one-hour drive from


I hope these suggestions will be As you only have a short stay in Shanghai, you probably will not be able to do much more But if I can help in any other way, please let me


Looking forward to meeting you here in Shanghai!

Yours sincerely,

Kenny Gao



Kenny Gao

雅思范文大全 第11篇


After having been involved in an accident, you were looked after by another Write a specialletter to express your (感谢信)


Dear Sue,

I am writing to express my heartfeltgratitude to you for your kindest help when I was involved in that terrible traffic



You saw how seriously I had been hurt when you rushed me to the I was hit from the back by a taxi and was thrown forward for at least three Though I did not lose my consciousness, the sharp pain was really killing If it had not been for your timely assistance, giving me first aid and sent me to hospital right away, I fear that the consequences might have been much more


The doctor said that my wounds are healing quickly and that I would be able to stand up again in a week’s In addition, the taxi company has agreed to pay my hospital


Anyway, everyone agrees that it was your quick-witted response in this emergencythat has led to this satisfactory I feel I owe you so much, so please accept my most sincere


Best wishes,




雅思范文大全 第12篇


【Life was better when technology was To what extent do you agree or disagree?】

Modern technology has revolutionised life in three main fields: work, transport and Although modern technology is often blamed for stress and alienation, I doubt that many people would want to turn back the clock to the pre-technological Despite the fact that life was simpler in former times, I would prefer not to return to that lifestyle, because that simplicity was due to a lack of Before large jet airliners came in in the 1960s, for example, air travel was beyond the reach of most Before electronic cash registers, people had to spend a lot of time on math calculations to carry out Furthermore, our knowledge of the world around us, especially foreign countries, was sketchy before television brought us the vivid images of Modern technology has brought liberation from the exhausting and boring labour and has set us free to enjoy more interesting work and



雅思范文大全 第13篇

A useful skill you learned in a math class from school


Describe a useful skill you learn in a math class in primary or secondary

You should say:

what the skill was;

when you had the class;

who taught you the skill;

and explain why you think it was


Can computers help us in math areas?

What is the first subject learned by children in China?

What methods can be applied to make math class more interesting?

How do you use math in your daily life?

Do you think everyone needs to learn math?


When I was in middle school I learned how to use a calculator to save A simple formula helps me to work out how to skimp and scrape every penny and the benefits are The skill involves basic arithmetic and the ability to budget and manage your It is an absolute vital skill that everyone needs to learn at some point in

I had the class when I was about 13 years old and the teacher showed us some great tricks of the When she first presented it to us, I was completely bamboozled and However, within a few days it all started to fall into place and make sense to

Our teacher was a middle-aged lady with a warm smile and calm She was the most inspiring teacher I have ever had and was a real salt of the earth I remember how patient she was and how her eyes would light up when she spoke of money!

Even though I learned this skill when I was a pimply-faced teen, to this day I have still made use of the When I started living on my own, finance became more important as I had bills to I draw on these skills on a weekly basis and they have been a

雅思范文大全 第14篇

An interesting subject that you learned in secondary/ high school


Describe an interesting subject that you learned at school

What the subject was

What your teacher was like

How long you learned this subject

And explain it was interesting to you


Is there any difference between the traditional and modern education systems?

What are the pros and cons of the current educational system in your country?

Do you think it is necessary to give comment or criticism to teachers?

How can a teacher make learning more interesting?


One of the scientific subjects that I learned in high school is It is the natural science that involves the study of matter and its motion and behavior through space and time, along with related concepts such as energy and It is one of the most fundamental scientific disciplines, whose main goal is to understand how the universe

Of course, what I have learned was not that It was more about introduction to and simple application of these basic physical concepts, which were mainly confined in classical physics, such as three laws of thermodynamics, Newton’s laws of motion, optics and But we also touch the area of quantum

My physics teacher was a middle-aged man who was medium-sized and a little Instead of directly telling us the knowledge and answers, he preferred eliciting First, he would let us do a few experiments and carefully observe their Then he would ask questions like what they had in common or what the difference was, trying to make us think for ourselves and understand what the course would be In this way, we had a better understanding of the

I love In fact, it was my best subject back in high I feel I have a better understanding of how the world works through

雅思范文大全 第15篇

A website that you often use


Describe a useful website that you often

You should say:

what the contents of this website are;

how you first found this website;

how often you go to visit this website;

and explain how this website helps


Is the internet used very much by people in China?

Some people say that different age groups have different tastes in internet

What do you think?

What Influence can (or, does) the Internet have on children? And what about teenagers?

What (kinds of) people don"t use the internet and what are the disadvantages that these people suffer because they don"t use the internet?

How do you think the internet might develop in the future?

Do you think people can freely express their opinions on the internet?

Have you ever bought anything on the internet?

In China, is the internet used much in schools or colleges/universities?


In recent years, online courses are becoming Because of that, I have been starting to go online more Have you heard about Netease Open Class? That"s the website I spend most of my time

A course mate of mine was the one who first recommended it to me and I’m very grateful for By cooperating with well-known universities all over the globe, this website offers free online You can even find some courses or lectures delivered by prestigious To use the full function of this website, you first have to be a registered member and then you can access all the Sometimes, I spend hours surfing and clicking there, just to listen to some of the talks or It’s a platform that has allowed me to learn all kinds of things that I had never come across It"s actually great news for those who aren’t enrolled in their desired university, but want to attend certain courses or lesson delivered by a specific There are constant updates and the universities upload some of their latest lessons onto the platform so that it"s beneficial to more and more

With modern technologies, knowledge can be spread in an easier and more efficient I"ll keep using this website as long as it"s available to the

雅思范文大全 第16篇


You are arranging a dinner Write a letter to your friend to invitehim or her to the Say why you are holding it and give the necessary (邀请信)


Dear Bob,

How are you? I haven’t seen you for a Hope all is Anyway, I’m writing because I’m inviting some friends over for dinner and I thought you might also like to join



The dinner will be at my place, next Wednesday at 7 o’ Mary is doing the cooking, which I’m sure you’ll be pleased to I’ll be taking care of the


I’ve enclosed a map of how to get to our new It’s a little out of the way, I’m afraid, but we’ve got a spare room and you’re welcome to stay for the night if you In fact, there’s an exhibitionon at the museum, so we can go and take a look on One request, though: bring your majiang with you so that we can play after


Anyway, do let me know if you can make My new number’s at the top of the page, so you can give me a call


Take care and see you




雅思范文大全 第17篇

1,a change of pace 节奏变换 You can’t do these chemistry experiments all day certainly need a change of , a far cry from 相距甚远

The published book is far cry from the early , and how 的确

A: She’s a good and , a matter of time 时间问题 It is only a matter of , a phone call away 一个电话之远,愿意过来帮忙。

If you need my help, do let me remember I am a phone call , a while back 不久以前 7,all along 一直 I knew it all , anything but 绝对不

I was anything but happy about , account for 解释

How do you account for it? 10, after all 到底

A: I’ve just seen the X-rays and your teeth look just fine, B: I there is nothing to worry about after , allergic to 对|……过敏

Oh man!Something in this room is making my eyes must be allergic to , at sb’s service 愿为某人服务 I am at your service at any , around the clock 24小时不停

Martha studied around the clock for management , as far as I know 就我所知

15,at home with 对…很熟悉

She is at home with problems like , back out 1)退出

A: Wasn’t Bert supposed to sing tonight? B: Yes, but he backed out at last minute 2)不履行

She finally backed out of her , be cut out for 天生适合 I’m not cut out to be a , be absorbed in She has been absorbed in a horror can’t tear her , be addicted to 对……上瘾

She has been addicted to drugs for ,be attached to 对……有感情

A: I’m amazed that you are still driving that old car of thought you would have gotten rid of it years It runs well and I’ve actually been quite attached to , back up 1)累积 The subway is running behind schedule, and traffic is backed up for don’t know if we’ll make the 6:30 )支持

I’ll back it , be bound for 到……地方

The bus is bound for New , be(feel)myself 找到自我 I’m feeling myself , be burned up 生气

She was really burned up at the , be hard up for I’m hard up for clothes, but I have a lot of , be head and shoulders above 好许多

In calculus, Joe is head and shoulders above his ,be in the dark 蒙在鼓里

A: Do you have any idea what his notice is about? B: I’m as in the dark as you ,be stuck 卡住了

I can’t get this window ’s , bite off more than one can 贪多嚼不烂

A: I hear you’re taking an advanced physics course this I think I’ve bitten off more than I can , break new ground 有了新的突破

His architectural design broke new ground in the ,benefit concert 慈善音乐会

We need to let everyone know about the benefit concert, but we don’t have much money for , busy signal 占线

I’ve been calling David for the past half hour, but I keep getting a busy ,between you and me 你我之间,保密

34,call for A,打电话找

Tom just called for ,预报

The forecast calls for heavy rain again ’t you glad we’ll be getting away from this for a week? C,问 It’s probably in the new part of ’ll have to call for , call it a day 就此结束

A: I’m really glad our club decides to raise money for the children’s hospital, and most of the people we’ve phoned seemed happy to Yeah, I we’ve gone through all the numbers on our list now, so I guess we can call it a ,cash the check 兑现支票

Have your sister cashed her paycheck? 37,clear off 收拾,整理

It’s about time we clear off the ,come down(雨,雪)下起来

The heavy rain is coming down, , come in first in the race 比赛第一名 Not only did Jill come in first in the race but she also had her best running time of the ,come what may 不管怎样

We’ll pick you up tomorrow at eight, come what ,cost somebody an arm and a leg A: Did you see the diamond ring Bill gave to Linda? B: I sure must have cost him an arm and a , cut it out 闭嘴

I told you to cut it ,be cut out for 生来时做……的

doesn’t feel Larry is cut out for the medical ,department chair 系主任

I didn’t write that memo to the department ,dirt cheap 非常便宜

A: You’ve already furnished your apartment?

B: I’ve found some used furniture that was dirt , do with 用…凑合;do without 没有……也行 You can do with your can do without your girlfriend 47, dog tired 特别累,同义:run down;worn out;out of steam I’m dog tired these ’m working on seven , down jacket 羽绒服

49,drive somebody up the wall 让某人发疯;
同义:drive somebody out of one’s mind

The sound of all that raffic is driving me out of my , fall back on 依赖

A: Were you able to understand that French novel without any help from the teacher? B: I did pretty well, but I had to fall back on my dictionary , fill a prescription 按处方抓药

Would you please fill this prescription for me? 52, fill in for 代替;

同义:fill one’s place(position, shoes);take the place of;take over Say, Dave, can you fill in for me tonight at the restaurant? I’d like to go out of ,food for thought 令人思考的东西;
同义:thought-provoking There is a lot food for thought in what he had to ,for nothing 免费

To pay to see that movie would be foolish, when you can see it on TV for ,from top to bottom 从上到下

A: Maybe you lost your wallet in this I’ve searched it from top to , get of on the wrong foot 开始事情就做错了

I got off on the wrong foot, and I don’t have any idea which way to turn ,get a lot out of something 从……学到很多

The training program was difficult, but she got a lot out of , get at 想说

Do you understand what I’m getting at?

59, get away with 对…摆脱惩罚

A: Did you know that Bob is leaving for home tonight? He isn’t planning to take his final He can’t get away with that

60,get going 赶紧行动;

同义:get moving A: It looks like we won’t have enough time to do all we wanted Who says we won’t? let’s get , get on one’s nerve 招惹某人神经了 A: Why did you come to the meeting late? I left a message with your roommate about the time She has a very short memory and it really gets on my nerve , get started on 开始做

We should get started on the , get time off from work 从工作中抽时间

Oh, so she was able to get time off from the ,give credibility to 相信 A: did you hear about Jim? B: I wouldn’t give that rumor any ,go easy on 温和对待

Well, since it’s your first and only ticket, the judge will probably go easy on ,go in one ear and out the other 一耳朵进,一耳朵出

Well, you know Mike, everything’s in one ear and out the ,go jogging 去跑步

Are you ready to go jogging? 68,go to one’s head 某人自负 A: Have you noticed how John’s changed since he became student government president? B: I think the whole thing has gone to his head, and he used to be so sociable and ,got the time 几点了 A: Got the time? B: It’s a little after , graduation announcements 毕业典礼请柬

Have you ordered your graduation announcements? 71,graon about 抱怨

How come Michael’s always groaning about something?

72,guest lecturer 客座教授

The only person who understood the guest lecturer was the ,hand-me-down 送的东西

A: What a gorgeous must have cost a Not at ’s a ,hand down 易如反掌

Lee won the chess match hands ,have a way with 擅长

Bonnie really has a way with ,have had it with 处于

I’ve had it with being sick in ’ve read most of these magazines , head and shoulders above 高出许多

In computer programming, Susan is head and shoulders above the rest of , hit the spots 特别好

This lemonade sure hits the , hold the grudge 记仇 A: I wish I hadn’t hurt Mary’s feelings like know I never meant The great thing about Mary is that she doesn’t hold the , I have no idea which way to turn 我不知道该怎么办 81, I have seen worse 我见过更糟的

82, in advance 提前;
同义:before hand, ahead of time It’s a really nice the owners want two-month rent in advance and I just don ’t have , in case 万一

Let’s take our suits along in case the sun comes , in next to no time 马上

A: Are you going to be using the copying machine long? B: I’ll be through in next to no , in the red 赤字 反义:in the black 86,in the works 正在准备阶段

An advanced course in theoretical chemistry is the , keep to oneself I’m amazed that you still haven’t gotten to know your , kill time 浪费时间

Gosh, what can we do to kill the next 10 hours? 89, leave…up to somebody

We’ll have to leave the decision up to , letter of recommendation 推荐信;
letter of reference 推荐信 91, look on the bright sides of things 看事物的光明面 92, no kidding 不是开玩笑吧

93, on the tip of one’s tongue 就在舌尖

A: Are you sure you can’t remember the name of that record? B: It’s just on the tip of my tongue!94, quitting time 下课时间

I’m glad it’s almost quitting , take it over 重修

Don failed physics and had to take it , than necessary 比应该的要冷 The lab was cooler than , That’s easer said than 说来容易做来难 98, There is nothing to 没什么,很容易

I can run this ’s really nothing to , with flying colors 成功

A: How did Ellen do on her American History exam? B: She passed with flying , You can bet your life 当然

A: Will come to class on time? B: You can bet your

雅思范文大全 第18篇


【Some people think students should take courses that are decided by the

Others think students should be allowed to focus on subjects that they

Discuss both views and give your own 】

Education has been viewed as one of the most essential elements of individual and social One topic now under debate is who should make the decisions on what students Academically, students will gain benefits if the curriculum can be devised by the Learners need foundations before they acquire more advanced Without opportunities to learn the basics, students would find it difficult to further their studies or lose interest in their studies In terms of meeting the demand of the job market, it would be more efficient if the government plan and arrange the courses for school and Students" own selections of courses may be Most of them do not really know what the job market expects from them, so some guidance from the government is a However, this does not mean that the official curriculum is always Educators should be aware of the fact that individuals have different characters and If all the students in a certain field take the same courses, their potential may not be fully Accordingly, many talented students may feel frustrated with learning and the nation will not get the talent it needs for its My own opinion is that students in primary and secondary schools should take courses that the governments choose for them because they do not really have the capacity to find out courses that will serve their On the university level, though, students should be allowed to participate in the decision-making process of designing the curriculum as only in this way can their academic potential be fully






雅思范文大全 第19篇


【Television has had a significant influence on the culture of many To what extent do you think television has positively or negatively affected cultural development?】


It has been around forty years since television was first introduced into British households and people today still have mixed views on whether it has a positive or a negative influence on Many people believe that television damages It promotes the stronger culture of countries such as Britain and the US and weakens the culture of less wealthy This is because the stronger countries are able to assert their own culture by producing more programmes that are shown widely around the These programmes then influence people, particularly young people, in the countries where they are



雅思范文大全 第20篇

An interesting job that you would like to do in the future


Describe an interesting job you would like to do in the

You should say:

what job it would be;

what qualities are required for this job;

whether it would be an easy job to do;

and explain why you would like to do this


How do young people choose their career in your country?

Do they usually make their choice based on money or is their choice usually based on what they are interested in doing?

What sorts of work (or, what careers) are most popular with young people in your country?

Where do young people get advice about choosing a career?

Why do some people like their job while others don"t like their job?

Why do people sometimes lose interest in (or, come to dislike) their job?


If I could choose any job in the world, I would want to be a travel This is a profession I admire and respect, and I believe I will be extremely successful at I have been intrigued by travel since I was knee-high to a I really want to be a globe I have some really romantic ideals that involve a job like

To be successful at this job requires an open mind, good physical health and a friendly The demands of travel can be quite taxing on the You need to be able to walk for miles and sometimes sleep in some rough and ready You also need to get the right vaccinations against common maladies like malaria and

I think this job may seem easy at face value, but I think it"s a lot harder than people Not every country is a bed of Some places have some extremely harsh conditions and there is often some danger thrown into the

I am naturally a very curious person and I am also intrigued by new cultures and I am also a very adventurous eater, so I would thoroughly enjoy sampling the treats from the different corners of the I think I would learn a lot from my new friends around the

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