雅思口语新题范文 第1篇
雅思口语新题范文 第2篇
1, Do you like to have plant in your home?
2, Who takes care of the plant at your home?
3, Do you know how to take care of the plant?
4, Do you want to receive plant as a present?
1, Do you like to have plant in your home?
I really 1ove But to be honest, I don"t have the big yard or balcony to keep the plants due to the limited space in the However, I have bought small cactus as the decoration in my Someone told me it can help reduce radiation from electronic
Who takes care of the plant atyour home?
My mother takes that In the morning, she wil water the flowers and move them to the warm place with much sunshine
3, Do you know how to take care of the plant?
Actually, I am not sure about this, but I suppose the growth of a plant needs sufficient water and , the soil condition is very
4, Do you want to receive plants as a present?
Yes, I like the plant as gifts from my friends, especially when I move to a You know, there are good blessings behind the green;plants like Pachira, also called as money tree and succulent plants, as they symbolize the lasting survival of the new trend
雅思口语新题范文 第3篇
1 材料的输入
例1:从 2 Broke Girls(破产姐妹)里, 我学到了一个说法:Just because … that doesn"t…(不能因为_X就_X呀!)
然后在电影500 Days of Summer(和莎莫的500天)里我又碰见了同样的说法。
Just because most women choose to get married, (that) doesn"t mean I should do the same
Just because you fail this time, (that) doesn"t mean you have to
例2:在Desperate Housewives(绝望主妇)里,我见过无数次这个说法:Is it just me or…(只有我一个人觉得_X吗?)
Is it just me or is she weird today?
Is it just me or is the floor really slippery?
例3:通过观看Emma Watson 在访谈节目Ellen Show上的访问,我能学到:be like可以用于引述说话或想法。
At that time, everybody was Suddenly, he stood up and encouraged us to cheer He was like, "Come on, guys! We can make it!"
2 有效的反馈
雅思口语新题范文 第4篇
Describe a business leader that you
You should say:
Who this person is ?
How you got to know this person ?
What skills he/she has for leadership ?
And explain why you think he or she is a good leader ?
"d like to talk about Steve Jobs who was a remarkable business was the CEO,chairman and co-founder of Apple Incorporated (),and widely recognized as a pioneer of the micro-computer revolution,one of those geniuses that changed the
Jobs is a household commencement speech at Standford university and his book have a great influence on hungry and stay foolish is something that i will never
Jobs was a born business leader,who had charismatic leadership,excellent management skills and communication knew what"s the best for the company and how to create products to be loved by
think he"s good because he started Apple at his parents" garage then made it one of the most profitable corporations in the also led his company to create a number of things that changed the world,like Ipone,Ipod "s one of the greatest business leaders the world has ever seen
雅思口语新题范文 第5篇
is a new personal I"ve never been a huge fan of Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead, Game Of Thrones or any of those huge series that seem to captivate pretty much everyone I BUT, is different, and so far it"s keeping me on the edge of my
It"s a very clever show, it really plays on the idea of things like the butterfly effect but not in a complicated way, in-fact the whole time travelling side of the show is very nicely explained in the first episode! The cinematography, directing, script, screenplay and the acting are all very It"s not particularly violent or too rude, there is use of strong language but it"s split up and is used more as a means of conveying emotion than just for the sake of having bad language in a It draws you in straight away, no silly elongated dialogue or anything like that; within 10 minutes of episode one, the main character (who is very capably played by James Franco) is already catapulted back in time and the rest is history (so too speak).
It"s produced by Stephen King and Abrams who are masters of this kind of concept; it"s eerie, suspenseful and really There are a lot of very "Stephen King moments" which remind me of his other
It"s a very intriguing watch and i"m really into it, and like I said i"m not usually a big fan of all these mega-popular TV series so even i"m surprised at just how much i"m enjoying it! If you"re looking for a fast paced drama/thriller which is superbly produced, you have to see
"I need you to go back there and I need you to prevent the assassination of John F Kennedy" -
雅思口语新题范文 第6篇
地道用词:ties her hair up in a bun
高分句型:And his mother gave him her full support, which is probably not what many other parents would have done, as music doesn’t really leave open a lot of career choices, if you know what I mean!
Having said that though, I’ve noticed that my friend’s mother often ties her hair up in a bun, whereas my mother usually always keeps it And another thing to mention would be that whenever I see her, she always seems to be wearing red clothes of some sort, which I guess is probably because red suits her quite
I think it’s fair to say that nowadays, a lot of parents persuade their children to do things which they think are best for them, but my friend has said that his parents have never been like this with him, especially his
So I kind of get the impression that she’s never forced him to do anything against his will, and has always let him make his own decisions, which I think’s really
my friend is always going on about = my friend is always
interestingly enough = 说起来有趣,
he ended up choosing music = 他最后选了音乐
finally then = 最后呢,
I think it’s fair to say that = I think it"s true to say 我觉得可以说
So I kind of get the impression that = I get the feeling 我有点感觉到
雅思口语新题范文 第7篇
雅思口语新题范文 第8篇
考试分为三个部分:Part 1会问简单的问题,例如工作,学习,家乡,平时爱好等,从而达到熟悉考生个人情况,也考察考生对于基本问题反应能力。Part 2 考官会给考生提供一个话题卡,针对一个主题展开描述,考生有1分钟的准备时间(考官提供笔和白板,可以写笔记),之后希望考生针对这个话题回答,通常建议说2分钟,时间到考官会要求停下。(对于时间的要求很严格,但是如果时间到没有说完,也不必太紧张,口语是三个部分的综合考察。)Part 3 是对上一个部分话题的延伸,考察口语表达对于社会性话题的描述,甚至是自己对于这些问题的观察和想法,对于烤鸭来说是最难的部分,考前一定要认真对待part 3。
其实所有烤鸭们都知道,口语part 1 & 2 的问题是相对比较固定的,考试之前是可以自己准备的,也是老师们强烈要求的。
如何准备Part 1话题并提高流利度?
一定要从part 1 开始,熟悉所有的题目,可以每天设定目标,但是不要太多,根据自己的情况而定。对于能力比较好(雅思口语+,已经备考一段时间的)的同学,可以写出关键词,一定是自己的原创想法,这个很重要;其次可以促使自己使用一些平时不太常用的连接词来回答问题,例如as, although, even, as well as, for等。(目的是在话题中加强语法的多样性和准确性)更多连接词用法,可以参考剑桥词典。
不同程度的同学完成上述部分之后,接下里就是练习熟练度,重点:不要死记硬背每道题的答案,这样只会增加负担。第一遍录音: 自己提问,自己回答,脱稿,不可以停下,即使错了也在继续,不要太在意是否回答正确,要鼓励自己说下去。
what do you do ?I am an art student, currently studying at National Art Academy, and I am in my third Do you like your school?Yes, I I enjoy it a lot, as becoming an artist is what I wanted since I was 录音结束:需要重新听自己的回答(很多同学会认为听自己的声音很奇怪,慢慢习惯就好了),找出自己可以改进的地方(语法,单词的发音,句子的中音都是需要专注的部分,整体回答的流利度,是否自然即不要过快或者过慢)。总结第一遍录音的问题,然后第二遍重复上述步骤。建议间隔12-24小时之后,再进行第三遍同样的操作,因为会有遗憾的过程,所以第三遍就是为了巩固复习。这样就可以很有效的改进口语的流利度。雅思口语想要提分还是得重在坚持,自我反馈。
如何准备Part 2话题并提高流利度?
准备阶段由于针对Part 2话题卡要准备2分钟的内容,建议字数可能在140-180个单词,相当于小作文。Part 2 大致考察对于人物,地点,事件的描述能力,所以在准备一个话题卡时,除了认真准备(结合评分标准)以外,也可以举一反三,相似元素用于相似话题。例如: 下面这两个话题卡其实就有很多共同的内容,甚至自己可以关联:
· 认真准备一个话题卡,背诵相关词汇,可以写逐字稿,但是关键是框架和关键词的关联。
· 不可以偷懒,每个都要思考,积累关键词同时要确保单词的准确性,可以参考英英词典来看例句。
· 这个一个月的积累过程中,前3-5天是最痛苦的,也是最难坚持的,所以希望大家一步一步来,少量多次。
话题卡录音练习如同Part 1的录音纠错一样,但是这次要关注时间,可以第一遍说到1分30秒。第二遍、第三遍再到2分钟左右。自己改进的过程才是语言学习最重要的部分。
雅思口语新题范文 第9篇
Accounting is the subject that I find very interesting these days though I did not like it when I had to study it at my university I have finished my graduation in Computer Science major and we had Accounting part 1 and part 2 in our second year; 5th and 6th Thought Accounting was an important subject for us, I had very little interest in This was possibly because of my misconception that it is only important for Commerce and Business Studies I studied accounting subject only to pass my course and also missed few Thus I failed to enter into the interesting world of accounting and that’s why disliked this
Science had always been major and I was never introduced to the accounting subject in my pre-university The teacher who took our accounting classes did not introduce us to the basic concept of Moreover, he went through chapters so quickly that I missed it As a result, when the teacher explained the advanced concepts of accounting, I was completely For all these reasons I was weak in accounting and this formed the disliking in me until the very recent
Well, the reason I like accounting these days is quite After I started working as a Software Engineer in a multinational company, I worked on various A year ago I was assigned to a project that required me to develop an accounting software for an Australian Ironically I had to study many accounting books and tutorials to understand how I should implement the concepts and calculation in this I also attended few training sessions organised by our office related to accounting and banking Once I understood the basic and interesting part of this subject, I actually started enjoying it a The project took around 8 months to be delivered to the client and I was kind of forced to study and discuss a lot of accounting concepts during this Once I started understanding the fundamental concepts and its application in the real world, this subject became one of my favourite
雅思口语新题范文 第10篇
What’s the weather like in your country?
It’s quite changeable really … we have periods of time with clear blue skies then all of a sudden we’ll have torrential
Which months have the best weather in your country?
Well … I suppose it’s a matter of personal taste really … I like it around the end of October and November … I’m not fond of the heatwaves we often get during the summer … it’s not freezing cold during these months and we still get lots of sunny
Does it bother you much when it rains?
It depends … if I get caught in the rain and I get drenched I don’t like it … but I’m a gardener so a drop of rain is good for my
What"s the weather in your country?
The weather in my country is pretty We have a mild climate, so it"s never boiling hot in the summer or freezing cold in the
Does the weather affect your mood?
Cold, gloomy days put me in a bad I love summertime, when it"s warm and
Do you like rainy days?
Yes, absolutely! I like when it I love all the freshness around, the cool breeze after a heavy It"s wonderful!
What is your favourite season?
Well, I think it"s The weather is very pleasant and it"s nice to see everything come back to life and
Do you like winters?
No, not For me winter is the most depressing season, because where I live it"s freezing cold in the Moreover, the days are short and you can"t do a lot of outdoor activities
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